#GALSNGEAR offers a range of sponsorship opportunities to support education, training and networking. We’re proud of the support by these manufacturers, software developers and other leaders in screen media technology:

Is your company READY to support our efforts to build #TEQUITY? Sponsorship opportunities are now available for:

-Support our virtual Tequity Hub with monthly programs, demos, jobs and upskilling tools – download opportunities here:

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-Support our Live Events, such as upcoming programs at NAB Show 2024, Las Vegas – download opportunities here:

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For the latest speaking slots and brand showcase opportunities, let’s schedule a quick hello meeting now to discuss showcasing your company’s support for DEIB in media/broadcast/tech.


#GALSNGEAR is proud to partner with these leading organizations in the tech, broadcast and screen media industry, many of whom have provided significant in kind contributions of time, personnel, equipment and/or software.